Politique de confidentialité

POLICY PRIVACY ART. 13 OF the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679

With the approval of the European Regulation 679/2016, the writer RETE METALY Via G.Galilei, 1 – 23900 Lecco P.IVA 03633130137, acting as the privacy treatment owner (data controller), provides to the Data Subjects with the following information about the use of the personal data.
Source of personal data and purposes of the processing
The personal data held by RETE METALY are collected directly and/or by employees or agents/ representative manager during offers, relationships of any kind, supply proposals, fairs or are given directly by the data subject at the time of contact request or registration on our website ( for specific product or service inquiries.
The personal data can also be collected by third parties, such as (as an example) data acquired by external companies for the purpose of business information or market research or by our other customers or suppliers.
The personal data are treated:
  • In the context of the normal activities of the company for purposes connected with and instrumental to the management of the contractual relationship; for purposes related to obligations as stipulated by laws, by rules and by the Community legislation, as well as by regulations issued by authorities with right to do so by law or by monitoring and/or control bodies;
  • for purposes due to the development of our activities for which the person concerned has the right to express his consent or not, and so for business purposes aimed to send promotion of new products or services and for marketing purposes, for example by sending newsletter.
Data processing methods
The data processing will be performed using instruments that guarantee security and confidentiality and can also be processed using hand-held instruments and automated tools in order to store, manage and transmit the data. Automated decision-making and automatic profiling systems will not be used.
Categories of recipients to whom the personal data are disclosed
We inform you that the personal data provided or acquired during the contractual relation can be disclosed to the following categories who perform instrumental functions or strictly related to our activity, and so functions which are fundamental for the operation of the company:
  • - to the financial administration, to the social security institutions if necessary, to the security authority;
  • - to couriers or to other entities for additional services of the supply;
  • - to companies or professional bodies for fraud control and debt collection;
  • - to banks and credit institutions in the financial management of the company;
  • - to insurance companies;
  • - to entities in charge of budget review and to administrative, tax and contractual consultants;
  • - to agents and representatives;
  • - to experts and companies who collaborate with RETE METALY for promotional activities, marketing coordination and purchase/supplies of services and products
Your personal data can be disclosed to entities both within the EU and internationally for the discharge of contractual obligations. Personal data will not be shared.
Data detention period
Your personal data will be stored for the full prescribed length of the existing contract or for the management of a specific inquiry. If the contractual relationship ended up, your personal data would be stored for the necessary length to fulfill the binding obligations in accountings, in tax matters and in communication to authorities and for the judicial protection of the owner’s rights (10 years).
Rights of the person concerned
We inform you that you are allowed to access your personal data at any time and you are allowed to request correction or deletion of the data stored by us or to reject the data processing by our company.
To exercise your rights you can send an email to
For the revocation of consent to send newsletter you can unsubscribe by using the pre-filled form present in the newsletter or by sending an email to
The privacy treatment owner is RETE METALY, Via G. Galilei 1 – 23900 Lecco (LC) Italy
The privacy treatment accountable is Walter Cortiana
The DPO was not named because of his inapplicability.
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